Get to know Statistics Poland | GUS - Portal Informacyjny

Get to know Statistics Poland

About us

Statistics Poland (Główny Urząd Statystyczny) is the central government administration body responsible for collecting, processing, and publishing statistical data in Poland. It oversees statistical offices located in every voivodeship. Together we create one of the most important public information systems in the country. We manage a data resource that is crucial for ensuring the information security of society, the economy and the state.

Statistical information is used by many entities. Thanks to the data we provide:

  • analyses of social and economic processes and phenomena are developed,
  • strategic decisions are taken at governmental, regional and local level,
  • key actions are planned to support the growth and development of many companies, national and international organisations and scientific communities.

More information in the Bulletin of Public Information (BIP):

About official statistics

Official statistics is a system of collecting, assembling, storing and compiling statistical data as well as announcing, releasing and disseminating statistical results. The mission of official statistics is to provide reliable, credible, independent and high quality data that meet the needs of domestic and foreign users.

We are based on the principles of reliable, objective, professional and independent conduct of statistical research, resulting in official statistical data. We all create public statistics. We attach great importance to continuous statistical surveys. They are important for the continuous observation of fundamental areas of life and phenomena in our country. We constantly conduct cyclical surveys, including censuses, as well as surveys comparing previous results. This enables planning and application of specific policies at the local, regional and national levels. We disseminate statistical data according to three fundamental principles:

  • Equal access - everyone has the right to access our data
  • Impartiality/uniformity? - we do not single out the entities to which we make data available
  • Simultaneity - data are made available to all entities at the same time